‘Science Times’ synthesis

What will 2012 bring us in research news? Only time will tell! For now, we’ve provided a glimpse of New Year headlines. As always, don’t forget to leave your comments. We are eager to hear your thoughts on researchers’ responsibilities with regard to the altered flu virus.

Week of January 3, 2012

Animal studies cross campus to lecture hall: Once, the study of animals occurred only in the sciences, while liberal arts and social sciences fixed on the study of humans. Now, the field of animal studies includes art, literature, anthropology, film, theater, philosophy, religion, and more.

Genome study points to adaptation in early African Americans: Researchers scanning the genomes of African Americans say they see evidence of natural selection as their ancestors adapted to the harsh conditions of their new environment in America.

Week of December 27, 2011

Debate persists on deadly flu made airborne: While investigating a deadly virus, researchers inadvertently made the virus more contagious. The question now is what to do with this information.

The hormone surge of middle childhood: Research of middle childhood, which is said to begin around five or six, has historically been limited. New forays into this area provide interesting insight.