Time Capsule Tuesday: Conference Content Through the Years

We’re three weeks away from the 2015 Social, Behavioral, and Educational Research Conference (SBER15) and the 2015 Advancing Ethical Research Conference (AER15), so we thought we’d take a look back at a compelling moment from a previous conference. Read on for this week’s Time Capsule Tuesday

Conference: Federal Regulations: Bane or Boon to IRBs?  March 1980
Session: How Can Research Involving Human Subjects Function Optimally Und
er Federal Regulations?
Panelists: Edward L. Pattullo, Charles R. McCarthy, John Petricianni, Stanford Chodosh

“I believe that persons in the research professions have a serious obligation, together with philosophers, ethicists, theologians, and administrators, to play a leadership role in the affairs of humankind. I am convinced that there is a fundamental equation in life that requires us to give in proportion to that we have been given.” Charles R. McCarthy