“Science Times” synthesis

In New England, we have an expression: If you don’t like the weather, just wait a few minutes. Changes in weather patterns, such as an increase in average temperature, have become common in many parts of the world. These signs of global warming may prove to have devastating effects. Take a look at this week’s “Science Times” to learn more about some of the research taking place and how the findings might be applied to global climate change. As always, please share your thoughts in our comments section, and let us know which article is your favorite!

LinkWeek of June 13

A Frog Endangered, but Extinct no More: To her amazement, ecologist Evon Hekkala discovered that Vegas Valley leopard frogs are not extinct.

Week of June 20

Perceptions: Cancer Drugs Get on Faster Track in US: A new finding challenges critics who claim the European Medicines Agency maintains a more efficient drug approval process than the US Food and Drug Administration.

Why Study Hyenas?: Check out some of the intriguing questions raised by zoologist Kay E. HoleKamp’s research on the spotted hyena.

Saturn’s Sixth Moon’s Surface May Conceal Salty Ocean: A new study suggests that active plumes on Saturn’s sixth moon may be connected to a deep saltwater reservoir.

Green Jobs Attract Graduates: A new generation of graduates lean toward careers that involve and promote environmental sustainability.

Week of June 27

Concerns About Costs Rise with Hospices’ Use: Take a few moments to consider the financial, social, and medical implications of the current debate on hospice care.

Climate Change in Mongolia: Learn about the history of environmental research in Mongolia and check out some of the interesting studies taking place there today.

Awareness: HIV Campaign Finds 18,000 New Cases: A three-year campaign reveals findings suggesting a need to expand HIV testing and treatment programs.