We’re here!

Mariellen and PlutoIt’s only the morning of first day of the conference, and we’ve already…

  • Met Goofy (he’s taller in person…) and Pluto (check out our Conference and Program Manager Mariellen Diemand sharing her dinner with him).
  • Checked-in nearly all of our more than 2,600 attendees.
  • Offered nine successful pre-conference programs yesterday including a brand-new course for investigators and two other news ones on QA/QI and the use of genes in research.
  • Welcomed representatives of 49 US states (sorry, no South Dakota!) and 29 countries (including Mongolia—a first for PRIM&R!).
  • Listened to an inspiring Keynote Address by Dr. Ivor Pritchard, Senior Advisor to the Director of the Office for Human Research Protections.

PRIM&R Staff with GoofyWho knows what’s in store for the rest of the meeting? Regardless of what the weather brings (it’s sunny now, but that Florida weather can change at the drop of a PRIM&R hat), we’re looking forward to an exciting few days of learning and sharing, networking and connecting.