Show what you know in IACUC administration

In addition to the CIP® credential we highlighted recently, PRIM&R also wants you to know about the Certification for Professional IACUC Administrators. This credential helps advance the quality of animal research protection programs by formally recognizing an IACUC professionals’ knowledge.

Back in February, we had the pleasure of speaking with Susan Kallay, BS, LATg, CPIA, about her experience preparing for and earning the credential (See PRIM&R Newsletter, February 2009 . During that conversation, Susan expressed her belief that “[t]he CPIA credential demonstrates a degree of professionalism and knowledge that [is] very useful for this work. “ While the full-text version of the interview is available only to members in the Newsletter Archive, we wanted to share this sentiment with everyone to illustrate just how beneficial the credential is.
If you’re not yet a PRIM&R member, but would like to read the interview in its entirety, please contact us, and we will send you a copy of the February edition.
Susan is a post approval monitoring administrator in the Center for Comparative Medicine at Northwestern University. In this position she reviews approves animal protocols, and visits labs to ensure that the research is conducted in accordance with the approved protocol. Once a veterinarian technician, Susan has a bachelors degree in biology and is pursuing her masters in quality assurance and regulatory affairs.

    PRIM&R Staff (PS): Do you think your institution might begin to recruit and favor new employees with the CPIA credential?
    Susan Kallay (SK): Yes, I could see that happening within this department. The CPIA credential demonstrates a degree of professionalism and knowledge that would be very useful for this work.
    PS: Now I would like to ask you a couple of questions about how you prepared for the test. How long before the test did you start studying?
    SK: I started studying about two and a half months before the test date. My preference is to study alone. I like do learn in my own way. I read all of the materials several times. All of the information that you need is in the materials. You just need to take the time to absorb it all. I suppose that if you do know someone else who is preparing for the exam, and you are the kind of person who likes to study that way, forming a study group could be helpful. I am also in school for my masters, so I would grab whatever time I could find to read and reread the materials.
To learn more about the eligibility requirements and the exam itself, please download the CPIA Handbook or visit our website. Don’t delay – the deadline to apply for the October exam period is September 1, 2009.

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