‘Science Times’ synthesis

No time to read the New York Times? No worries! We continue to devour the Tuesday NYT science section at PRIM&R, and are pleased to bring you our bi-monthly blog devoted to a digest of those articles we consider relevant and useful to our community. Enjoy!

November 9, 2010

For edge on Alzheimer’s, testing early treatments: Some Alzheimer’s research will be focusing on earlier stages of what happens to patients’ brains.

Glimpsing a scientific feature as fields heat up: A columnist describes the excitement surrounding unpredictable scientific discoveries.

Behavior: Too much texting is linked to other problems: A study suggests that teens who text are more likely to participate in other risky behaviors.
Genes as mirrors of life experience: How might people’s experience and environment affect the function of their genes?

November 16, 2010
When the mind wanders, happiness also strays: A study examines how focusing may make you happier than letting your mind wander.
MRIs help fight high risk of cancer: Yearly MRIs may help save lives.

Study ties ovarian cancer and hormone therapy: A newly released European study reports that women who take hormones are at significantly increased risk for ovarian cancer, which is rare, but often fatal.
50 years of chimpanzees: An interview with Jane Goodall reviews the past 50 years of her productive and prolific career.

And, in the “little known facts” category, did you know that Joan Rachlin, PRIM&R’s executive director, was one of Grub van Lawick’s (Jane Goodall’s son) pre-school teachers? In a former life, Joan taught at the Bing Nursery School, the lab school at Stanford University, and Grub was a student there while Jane was a visiting professor.

Joan reports that Grub was smart, curious, sweet, and that his play resembled that of the chimps (such as running to trees, hugging them, and looking around from behind the trunks to see who was out there). This was no surprise, though, since he had been raised in Gombe with the chimps, and Bing was his first introduction to school.
Good news and bad from a heart study: A study concerning a heart failure drug yields both positive and negative results.
And even though it’s not really related to research, who can resist an article about serving as the president’s physician? Surely not us!