New Issue of PRIM&R’s Research Ethics Digest – Available Today

Posted by Shaquanna Philip, program assistant

PRIM&R’s Research Ethics Digest (RED) explores noteworthy news events, studies, journal articles, and policy reports relevant to the world of human and animal research ethics. The latest issue of RED is now available to members.

Select articles are highlighted below:

Animal Research and News
“The Animal Care Annual Report of Activities—Fiscal Year 2007.” U.S. Department of Agriculture. October 2008.

IRB Critiques and Commentaries
Van Howe, R. S and Svoboda, J. S. “Neonatal Pain Relief and the Helsinki Declaration.” Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics. December 2008.

Informed Consent & Research with Vulnerable Populations
Hull S, Sharp R, Botkin J, Brown M, Hughes M, Sugarman J, Schwinn D, Sankar P, Bolcic-Jankovic h D, Clarridge B, Wilfond B. “Patients’ Views on Identifiability of Samples and Informed Consent for Genetic Research.” AJOB. October 2008.

Ethical Considerations
Evans M.A, Combs L.M. “When Dealing with Human Subjects: Balancing Ethical and Practical Matters in the Field.” TechTrends. November – December 2008.

International Considerations
Clarke DL and Egan A. “Ethics Review Boards in South Africa and the Need for Patient Advocacy.” South African Journal of Bioethics and Law.” December 2008.

In the News
Rubin R. “Placebo effect: New survey gives life to ethical debate.” USA Today. December 2008.

Access to RED Is one of many PRIM&R member benefits.
If you have questions about becoming a PRIM&R member, please contact us.