In September’s Newsletter…

The most recent issue of the PRIM&R Newsletter (members only) was distributed today, September 30.

In addition to our regular features, such as Recent Headlines, Government and Legal News, and Public Policy, this issue included…

  • A special offer for PRIM&R’s Career Center;
  • This month’s website feature of the month, subscribing to e-mail alerts for PRIM&R’s Online Communities;
  • A profile of PRIM&R Board Member, Judy Norsigian;
  • A featured talk from PRIM&R Through the Years. This month’s feature is a session from the 1993 The Presence of Industry and Government in the Academic Setting: Benefits and Conflicts conference, titled “The Influence of Government and Industry on Academic Culture” presented by Leon Rosenberg; and
  • Many milestones from PRIM&R members, including congratulations, transitions, and new arrivals!

Can’t find the Newsletter in your inbox? Check out the Newsletter Archives.

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