In March’s Newsletter…

The most recent issue of the PRIM&R Newsletter (members only) was distributed on Friday, March 27.In addition to our regular features, such as Recent Headlines, Government and Legal News, and Public Policy, this issue included…

  • Information about the Call for Applications for the 2009 Pillars of PRIM&R Award;
  • An overview of the US House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing titled “Institutional Review Boards that Oversee Experimental Human Testing for Profit,” which was held on Thursday, March 26, 2009;
  • A featured talk from PRIM&R Through the Years, a 532-page compilation of presentations delivered by internationally esteemed experts in the field of research ethics at PRIM&R’s past annual meetings. This month’s feature is Alexander Capron’s speech, “IRBs: The Good News and the Bad News,” which he gave in March 1981 at PRIM&R’s The New Federal Regulations: What They Do and Do Not Regulate meeting;
  • Our Website Feature of the Month, which highlighted how to update your profile to ensure you receive the correct information from us; and
  • A recap of the February 10 webinar, Tools and Tips to Ensure Your IACUC’s Success.

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