In July’s Newsletter…

The most recent issue of the PRIM&R Newsletter (members only) was distributed today, Friday, July 31.

In addition to our regular features, such as Recent Headlines, Government and Legal News, and Public Policy, this issue included…

  • A link to our annual membership survey, so you can tell us how we can better help our vibrant membership community to connect, learn, and advance ethical research;
  • This month’s website feature of the month – PRIM&R is on Twitter!;
  • A reminder that September 1 is the deadline to register for the fall 2009 CPIA exam period;
  • An interview with our volunteer of the month, Michelle Miller;
  • Registration information for PRIM&R’s September Regional Programs and the 2009 Advancing Ethical Research Conference;
  • A featured talk from PRIM&R Through the Years. This month’s feature is a session from the 1991 The Evolution of Protecting Human Subjects from Nuremberg to the Nineties conference, titled “Writing Miss Evers’ Boys” presented by David Feldshuh; and
  • A welcome to PRIM&R’s new project manager, Lisa Seidman!

Can’t find the Newsletter in your inbox? Check out the Newsletter Archives.Want to become a PRIM&R member? Learn more.