Posted by Joanna Cardinal, membership manager
Hello again everyone! My first two months at PRIM&R have been a whirlwind as we have been busy preparing for the upcoming 2009 IACUC Conference. I wanted to slow down long enough to let you know about some of the ways you may get involved in this event.
If you’re new to PRIM&R, curious about the benefits of membership, or are looking to connect with your fellow members, please join me Tuesday, March 31, from 7:30–8:30 AM for the Membership Orientation and Continental Breakfast. Start your day off right with an overview of membership benefits, a chance to ask questions, and coffee!!! Just let me know you’re coming and I’ll be sure to save you a seat (all are welcome to attend).
Do you have questions about animal welfare, IACUC operations, or regulations? Register now and take advantage of our very popular Speed Networking event on Monday, March 30, from 5:45–7:00 PM. I know you’ll enjoy having your questions answered by our distinguished mentors. After you’ve gotten a taste of mentoring, I encourage you to get involved with the PRIM&R Mentoring Program as either a mentor (pay it forward!) or a mentee. Finally, PRIM&R conferences would not be successful without your help. If you haven’t done so already, please peruse our volunteer opportunities and make the most of your 2009 IACUC Conference experience.For more information on these and other special events at the conference, please visit our website.We strive to make sure you are satisfied with the benefits of PRIM&R membership. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions please stop by the help desk at the conference and let me know. If you won’t be attending the conference you can always e-mail or call me at 617.423.4112, ext. 16.I’m really looking forward to meeting you later this month!

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