Posted by Shaquanna Philip, program assistant
2009 IACUC Conference – Call for Poster Abstracts!
Deadline for Submission – January 30We’re only a few days into 2009 and we’re already looking forward to spring, when the institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC) community comes together on March 28–31 at the Town and Country Resort in San Diego, CA.
Each New Year brings with it the possibility of new beginnings and new successes. Please be a part of bringing such newness to fruition by sharing your best practices and other innovations via poster abstracts with the PRIM&R audience. The annual poster presentation at the IACUC conferences promotes interdisciplinary sharing and collaboration, and facilitates the exchange of ideas, information, and practical strategies for, and/or solutions to, the many challenges faced by IACUC professionals.
If accepted, abstract authors will be invited to present their poster abstracts at the meeting. In addition, a small subset may be nominated to give a 15-20 minute oral presentation as part of a breakout session during the conference. This community is one with enormous talents and resources, and we look forward to hearing your ideas for improving animal care and use programs.
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