Contribute to the 2010 IACUC Conference

The planning process for the 2010 IACUC Conference is underway, and to develop the conference you want, we need your help generating ideas for the program’s content. That’s why we’re extending this Invitation to Contribute to Program Development, so that the Conference Planning Committee may consider a broad and rich spectrum of topics and speakers.Feedback from the community is invaluable when it comes to gathering and fleshing out ideas. For that reason, we’re hoping you will post your thoughts—whether they’re full-grown or just seedlings—to the conference discussion forum, where a wide variety of past and future attendees will come together to sow the seeds of another exciting program. Or, if you already have an idea, submit it directly to the PRIM&R staff using this online form.The Conference Planning Committee will consider all submissions received by November 25, 2009. Please note that this process is not related to the Call for Poster Abstracts, which will begin in November.Please consider participating in this process, as hearing from a large and professionally diverse chorus of voices will immeasurably enrich our conference program. If you have questions, please e-mail us, or call 617.423.4112, ext. 0.