Board of Directors Election Results

Posted by Catherine Rogers, marketing coordinatorRecently, PRIM&R’s Board of Directors held an election for both leadership and membership. While the faces on the board will remain the same, two members will transition into new roles: As of January 1, Walter Straus became treasurer, and Judy Norsigian became secretary. These positions were previously held by Harry Rozmiarek and Cornelius Baker, respectively.

Among the re-elected officers for 2009 are Leonard Glantz, who will maintain his position as board chair, and Robert Levine, who will continue to serve as the vice chair. Six other board members were also re-elected for additional three-year terms, including Warren K. Ashe, Susan Fish, Cynthia Gomez, Charles McCarthy, Leonard Glantz, and Robert Levine.

The PRIM&R staff would like to extend its gratitude to all of the board members for their tireless dedication. We’re looking forward to an outstanding ’09, and wish the same for each board member in his or her professional and personal endeavors.

On a special note, we would like to thank Harry and Cornelius for their service as board officers. PRIM&R was fortunate to benefit from their leadership, and is even more fortunate to continue depending on both for their insight for years to come.